CT school officials say they're seeing higher grades, better attendance with cellphone bans

By Austin Mirmina,

Staff WriterJan 12, 2025

When officials at Manchester High School reviewed student data after the first marking period, they noticed a curious trend: Just about every data point had improved.

The high school, which had recently rolled out a new cellphone policy requiring students to store their phones in magnetically locked Yondr pouches, saw "significant" changes in patterns of student behavior during the first quarter, principal Katelyn Miner said. Students, she said, were getting into fewer fights and showing up to class more consistently compared to a year ago.

Grades improved as well, with students earning more As and Bs and fewer Fs, a trend that Miner said "got our attention" because grade distributions are "notoriously hard to shift."

She credited the improvement to the new cellphone policy, something many schools across the state have also recently embraced or are about to.

Read the full article here: https://www.ctinsider.com/news/article/ct-cellphone-policy-schools-benefits-20020570.php

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