New York governor proposes ban on phone use in schools

NY allocates $13.5 million to help schools implement the cellphone ban

New York governor proposes ban on phone use in schools

Story by ANTHONY IZAGUIRRE | Associated Press

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Students throughout New York state might have to give up their cellphones during school hours starting next fall under a proposal announced Tuesday by Gov. Kathy Hochul.

The plan, which would require legislators' approval, would take effect in the next academic year and force students to disconnect from their phones and other personal devices while at school, including in class, during lunch and in hallways.

Hochul, a Democrat, has for months hinted at a potential ban and said limiting access to smartphones during school would help students focus in class and improve their mental health.

“We're not developing the skills we need because kids are distracted with the cellphones,” Hochul said at a news conference in Albany. “And how hard is it for our teachers, trying to teach algebra and geography, and they're competing with viral dances and messages from their friends and sometimes threats, bullying. How do you pay attention to the subject at hand when this is going on?”

Read the full article here.

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