State lawmakers want a cell phone ban in Georgia elementary and middle schools

By Abby Kousouris

Published: Feb. 11, 2025 at 3:38 PM PST|Updated: 18 hours ago

ATLANTA, Ga. (Atlanta News First) - Georgia lawmakers are debating a statewide ban on cell phones in schools.

The Distraction-Free Education Act, House Bill 340, would require school districts to create a plan to secure students’ phones while in school.

“From bell to bell, no cell. From the beginning of the day, you put your phone away, and at the end of the day, you get your cell phone back. Then we allow the locals to figure out what program works best for them. There are many school systems here in Georgia that have already implemented a policy, and the results are staggering. Schools have literally transformed. In classrooms and lunch halls, kids talk to each other, interact, and socialize,” said the bill’s sponsor State Rep. Scott Hilton.

The bill only applies to public schools and Kindergarten through 8th-grade students.

Read the full article here:

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