New Podcast talks about Cell Phones in Schools being Away For The Day

Anxious Generation author Jonathan Haidt weighs in

In this episode of The Screenagers Podcast Dr. Delaney Ruston is joined by her film and Screenagers partner, Lisa Tabb, to discuss their 'Away for the Day' campaign, which aims to remove smartphones and smartwatches from students during school hours to improve their academic and social well-being. They explore the campaign's benefits, the rapid rise of this challenge in elementary schools, and myths surrounding phone policies. Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt, author of the current NY Times bestselling book The Anxious Generation, also joins Delaney to discuss the negative impact of digital distractions on education.

You can listen to this episode here:

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Take The Pledge

Take the "Away For The Day" pledge and show that you support school policies that require students to put their cell phones away in lockers, backpacks, or other places all day.

Take The Pledge Here