LAUSD cell phone ban takes effect Tuesday: How it works

by: Marc Sternfield

Posted: Feb 17, 2025 / 08:32 AM PST

Updated: Feb 18, 2025 / 07:18 AM PST

When students in the Los Angeles Unified School District return to class after President’s Day, they might want to leave their cell phones at home.

A district-wide cell phone ban takes effect on Tuesday. It was approved by LAUSD’s board last June in an effort to improve student engagement, reduce bullying and improve mental health.

While the policies might vary slightly from school to school, there is one common rule: Cell phones must stay turned off and stored during school hours, including lunch.

Some campuses might choose to have them locked up or placed in classroom holders – or simply stored in backpacks.  

“Students will finally be separated from mobile phones during the regular school day, allowing them to be the kids they are,” LAUSD Superintendent Alberto Carvalho said in November. “Allowing them to socially interact with peers of their age. Allowing them to not be distracted in the classroom.”

Read the full article here.

Take The Pledge

Take the "Away For The Day" pledge and show that you support school policies that require students to put their cell phones away in lockers, backpacks, or other places all day.

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