Why Smartphones Could be Banned in New York Schools

NY Governor, Kathy Hochul has plans to introduce a bill banning schoolchildren from carrying smartphones on school grounds

Originally published by David Robinson for USA Today

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Gov. Kathy Hochul on Thursday revealed her push to ban students from bringing smartphones into New York schools amid ongoing efforts to address intersecting educational and youth mental health crises.

The Democratic governor has plans to introduce a bill banning schoolchildren from carrying smartphones on school grounds. She aimed to approve it during the 2025 legislative session that begins in January, which tees up politically charged debate between educators, lawmakers and major tech companies in coming months over the issue.

The governor's office has yet to release many details about the proposal, but Hochul told media outlets she would be open to allowing "flip phones" in schools that would let children text and make calls.

The comments come during an 11th-hour push by state lawmakers to ban internet companies from exploiting personal data and using addictive social media features in ways that harm youth mental health and development in New York. That effort aims to approve those two bills before the current legislative session ends in early June.

Article continues at: https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/2024/06/02/smartphones-could-be-banned-in-new-york-schools-under-hochul-plan/73949340007/

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